{ BiologicalProperties => { Environment => { Habitat => "eAquatic", OxygenReq => "eAerobic", Salinity => "eModerateHalophilic", }, Phenotype => { BioticRelationship => "eParasite", Disease => "Sealice" }, }, GenomeSize => { content => 600, units => "Mb" }, Label => "Sidney, BC", OrganismName => "Lepeophtheirus salmonis", Organization => "eMulticellular", Reproduction => "eSexual", species => 72036, Strain => "Pacific", Supergroup => "eEukaryotes", taxID => 72036, },
above is part of my dump file.
Supergroup => "eEukaryotes"
that prefix 'e' should make some sense, but what's the sense?
I'll appreciate it very much for solving my confusion.
Strange. Almost looks like a bug...but I'm sure there's some reason. Probably best to ask the NCBI help desk; users here are unlikely to know (unless they have also asked).