I am trying to call variants in a narrow region using vg chunk and vg call. It worked with an older version of vg tools but does not seem to work with the newer one.
In a previous version, this worked for me
vg chunk -x ref_alt.xg -a SRR5647740_paired_wasp_mapped_sorted.gam -g -p 3:3716672-3718990 -c 10 > chunk.vg
for file in chunk_0_3_3716352_3719310.gam; do vg augment -a pileup -t 20 -Z ${file/.gam/_aug.trans} -S ${file/.gam/_aug.support} chunk.vg $file > ${file/.gam/_aug.vg} 2>err_vg_aug ; done
for file in chunk_0_3_3716352_3719310_aug.vg; do vg call -z ${file/_aug.vg/_aug.trans} -s ${file/_aug.vg/_aug.support} $file > ${file/_aug.vg/_calls.vcf}; done
I tried to adapt it to the current release of vg tools and this is what I have tried
vg chunk -x ref_alt.xg -a SRR5647740_paired_wasp_mapped_sorted.gam -g -p 3:3716672-3718990 -c 10 > chunk.vg
vg augment chunk.vg chunk_0_3_3716352_3719310.gam -A aug.gam > aug.vg
vg index aug.vg -x aug.xg
vg pack -x aug.xg -g aug.gam -Q 5 -o aln_aug.pack
vg call aug.xg -k aln_aug.pack > SRR5647740_calls.vcf
Is this correct? Its producing a vcf file but with no variants. The old version for the same input file did. Thanks!
Thanks so much! I found out the error had nothing to do with vg tools. It was some odd error encountered when running the program on a HPC. Got it resolved. Thanks!