I have ran the Mutect2 with tumor only mode and get the VCF file, and then I check the mutation site in iGV with a bamout file and my raw bam file from bwa, but I have trouble in explain why Mutect2 only report one position while there are about 4 site obvious . mycode:
gatk Mutect2 -R $ref -I tumor.bam \
--germline-resouce af_genomAD.vcf.gz \
-bamout bamout.bam \
-O my.vcf.gz
I have follow the troubleshooting guide from GATK. Expected variant at a specific site was not called But it cannot explain this phenomenon well.
I want to know if anyone has the same problem, or there are some better explanations. This is the my raw bam file from bwa-mem. Thanks
GATK (Mutect2) is known to miss obvious variants like this, even clinically-actionable variants. There is, as yet, no clear reason why. I first observed this back in 2013 / 4 while working in a Children's hospital in England, and noticed how Sanger-confirmed variants were not being called by GATK in live samples coming into the lab. I have written on this topic:
You could possibly try the downsampling approach that I developed - see the first of my posts above. This should allow you to overcome this.
Thanks for your helpful answer, I would try the approach your mentioned.
But I have some confuse on the reason why we need multi-bam for one sample with different downsample rate ? And why we need downsample in variants calling? In order to reduce something such as data volume, elapsed time, and RAM?
The exact explanation is, as yet, unknown. Note that this issue does not occur with multi-pileup-based methods, like the one used by SAMtools / BCFtools.