I have done the differential analysis using DEseq2 and I would like to plot the ridgeplot and enrichKEGG using clusterProfiler package. The package required the entrez gene ID and my result object contain gene symbols. I have tried to `# this translates the Gene from MSfragger to something enrichgo can read
gene.df <- bitr(gene, fromType = "SYMBOL", toType = "ENTREZID",OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db)
geneList <- gene.df$ENTREZID
names(geneList) <- as.character(gene.df$SYMBOL)
geneList <- sort(geneList, decreasing = TRUE)
When I use the above code I get an error
--> No gene can be mapped....
--> Expected input gene ID: 14187,74551,13118,56451,52538,93747
--> return NULL...
Is there a way in which this can be done better