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4.6 years ago
Hello everyone, I am doing some research on the regulation of FOXP3 expression, FOXP3 has three enhancers, also known as CNS1, CNS2, CNS3, but I want to get the nucleotide sequence of the FOXP3 enhancer and its location. Does anyone know how to search it and get it? Thank you so much!
Did you check the NCBI database?
yes, I only get the sequence of transcrips of FOXP3 from NCBI GENE database, but I don't know the location of CNS.
For mouse genome the sequences seem to given in the supplement of the paper here (page 20 of the supplement of the paper doi: 10.1038/nature08750 . You can blat the sequences on to mouse genome in the UCSC genome browser to get the genomic location.
OK,thank you so much