I would like to run IMPUTE2 on some pre-phased data (made using SHAPEIT). The command I would like to use is like the example one given by IMPUTE2:
./impute2 \
-known_haps_g gwas_data_chr10_phased.haps \
-h pilot1.jun2010.b36.CEU.chr10.snpfilt.haps \
-l pilot1.jun2010.b36.CEU.chr10.snpfilt.legend \
-m genetic_map_chr10_combined_b36.txt \
-int 20000000 25000000 \
-Ne 15000 \
-buffer 250 \
-o gwas_data_chr10_imputed.20-25Mb.gen
I know it is best to split imputation in chromosome chunks (chunks of 5Mb here and set with the option -int). My question is how, given the file below which shows the chromosome and its size, is there a way I can dynamically obtain these chunks so I can write batch jobs?
1 249250621
2 243199373
3 198022430
4 191154276
5 180915260
6 171115067
Many thanks.