Hi everyone,
I am new to the NGS. For training, I used paired-end data from public files, and usually, there were only two fastq files for the two reads.
Now, I receive the fastq files for my ChIP-seq studies. We did 50 bp paired-end. And for one PE file, there are four fastq files. For example:
R1F=IN1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq R1R=IN1_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq R2F=IN1_S17_L002_R1_001.fastq R2R=IN1_S17_L002_R2_001.fastq
I am now a bit confused about how to handle these 4 data.
I tried to do bowtie2 paired-end mapping for R1F as -1 and R1R as -2 but it seems not working.
Bowtie2 notification: Note that if <mates> files are specified using -1/-2, a <singles> file cannot also be specified. Please run bowtie separately for mates and singles. Error: Encountered internal Bowtie 2 exception (#1)
I am also unsure about the use of Paired-end merge tools.
Please help. Thank you
If you want people to help, show your command lines.
bowtie2 -p 8 -N 1 --no-mixed mode --no-discordant -x $REF -1 IN1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq -2 IN1_S17_L002_R1_001.fastq -S /mnt/e/sequence_data/ChIP-seq/FASTQ/14INPUT/bams/IN1R1.sam
this is the command line that I used
IN1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq, L001 and L002 means different lanes, R1 and R2 means read1 and matched read2. so you should use R1F=IN1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq, R1R=IN1_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq as input 1 and 2, or merge the different lane data into a one data, then use bowtie2.
Thank you... I also tried that approach.. At first I don't clearly understand about the different lane and read because there are only 2 fastq files in the public data... As suggested below, I'm now merging the two files from the same read using concatenate, I did the bowtie2 for the two reads and I get 99.24% alignment...
Do you have any opinion about the use of Merge Tool like Flash & Pandaseq to merge the data?
sorry, I just use cat command to add the fastq data, or use samtools merge to merge bam data
In public data there are only 2 files (R1 and R2) because the concatenation (the cat command) of the different lanes has already been performed. Recap:
To merge the different lanes, use
To merge different bam files (for example several replicates) use
samtools merge
bowtie2 -p 8 -N 1 --no-mixed mode --no-discordant -x $REF -1 IN1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq -2 IN1_S17_L002_R1_001.fastq -S /mnt/e/sequence_data/ChIP-seq/FASTQ/14INPUT/bams/IN1R1.sam
this is the command line that I used
Why are you giving it two read 1 files as if they were matched pairs? That's never going to work.
I just realize that... I don't clearly understand the different lane and read because there are only 2 fastq files in the public data... I'm using concatenate to merge the data from the same read