I was wondering if I understood the DESeq2
time-series vignette correctly.
My data set contains 5 time-points without control samples as such
> metadata
sample time
TP1.1 TP1.1 1
TP1.2 TP1.2 1
TP2.1 TP2.1 2
TP2.2 TP2.2 2
TP3.1 TP3.1 3
TP3.2 TP3.2 3
TP4.1 TP4.1 4
TP4.2 TP4.2 4
TP5.1 TP5.1 5
TP5.2 TP5.2 5
So I basically have only the samples in duplicates for each time point and the time as a factor. I would like to identify genes with significant changes of expression over multiple time points.
For that I use the LRT
test and the following model
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts,
colData = metadata,
design= ~sample + time)
dds <- DESeq(dds, test="LRT", reduced=~time)
Would this give me genes diff. regulated genes over all time-points?
If I want to compare all time-points in a pairwise manner - I should use the Wald
test and the contrast
or name
parameters in the results()
Thanks for the comment. It is a misunderstanding. I meant to write that this is how I would like to analyze it, but wasn't sure if it would work at all, hence my question. I don't get you point though. Aren't the samples (names) always unique?
How should I than create the full or reduce model with this data set? I don't have control samples for each timepoint. I would appreciate the input.
You should have a dataset like this:
And your formula should be
~ tissue + time
whereas the reduced should be~ tissue
. That is if the same tissue is sampled five time, if it's another tissue in each time point then~ time
thanks a lot for the reply. But I think there is a mistake in the last comment. when running
dds <- DESeq(dds, test = "LRT", reduced = ~0)
this I get the following errorWhen trying to fir the model. When I change it to
though it works. What would be the difference between~1
Yes, of course, it's