I was trying to perform the functional enrichment analysis of my proteomics data using enrichDGN. (https://yulab-smu.github.io/clusterProfiler-book/chapter12.html#bar-plot) I converted my Uniprot id’s to Entrez id’s using entrez<-mapIds(org.Mm.eg.db, genesymbol, 'ENTREZID', 'SYMBOL', multiVals="first")
but the list of entrez gene ID's is not mapping to enrichDGN. The below list is a small part of the list.
test <- c("109676", "20254", "380684", "73094", "218038", "56013")
edo <- enrichDGN(test)
--> No gene can be mapped.... --> Expected input gene ID: 3119,5308,23633,4204,3805,4247 --> return NULL...
my gene id's are in this format:
1 Ank2
2 Nefh
3 Sgip1
4 Srcin1
5 Ank2
6 Map1b
7 Ank2
8 Mapt
9 Gmip
10 Bsn
I checked these are indeed mouse entrez gene id's. Am I making any mistake here? Also posted this question on Github page but got no reply.