Edit: What kind of errors are you getting?
Edit2: I wrote two perl scripts to make this process go easier. They are not polished code. See below
grGVF2GFF3 convert your gvf -> gff3
use the UCSC lift over tool
convert back to gvf with LIFTOVERGFF2GVF
I have done this using liftOver from UCSC. Here is the link to the tool:ucsc downloads
GVF should lift over as a GFF3/GFF. If you have any problems let me know.
I tried using the liftover tool, but it gave me a warning: WARNING: -gff is not recommended. Use 'ldHgGene -out=<file.gp>' and then 'liftOver -genePred <file.gp>'
ldHgGene is no longer supported and the new version of the tool (gff3ToGenePred) gives an error: Input file must conform to the GFF3 specification:
The input file that I'm using came from dgv (ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/dgva/estd59Durbinetal2010/gvf/)
The NCBI liftover tool natively takes multiple file formats- including gvf and vcf. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/tools/remap
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hey..even i am trying to liftover GVF files from hg19 to hg18...Did u get any solution for that.Is there a GFF to GVF converter otherwise...I tried searching but could not find any as such.Thanks