Currently I am working on differential gene expression and using DESeq2 package but during execution I got error that expression values should be integer and my expression values in float form. How can I resolve this issue?
Currently I am working on differential gene expression and using DESeq2 package but during execution I got error that expression values should be integer and my expression values in float form. How can I resolve this issue?
Which tool did you use to generate expression values? I usually use FeatureCounts and I have not experienced float expression value yet. Also please check if the expression values are raw counts or has been pre-normalised. Float expression values are possible after normalisation. DESeq2 requires non-normalised data.
Are you using RSEM
, kallisto
etc for quantification of expression counts? If yes, you can directly import counts in DEseq2 object using tximport
package. For e.g. counts from RSEM
can be imported by setting type to rsem
, and txIn and txOut to FALSE
. Have a look at https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/tximport/inst/doc/tximport.html.
Hope this helps!
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