Hi all,
It's my first time trying to annotate an assembly, and I have been struggling with one aspect of Maker. When I run maker, I get the following error:
The nucleotide sequence file '/home/name/ests.fasta' contains either protein sequence or unsupported characters. Note the following nucleotides may be valid but are unsupported [RYKMSWBDHV]. This message is to get you to look at your input files, and verify that there is not a mistake. Both an explanation of the cause and a solution are indicated in this message. Do not post it to the mailing list. Please manually check/fix the file before continuing, or set -fix_nucleotides on the command line to automatically replace invalid nucleotides with 'N'. Invalid Character: 'O'
I have tried to run the -fix_nucleotides as an option on the command line when running Maker:
maker -fix_nucleotides maker_exe.ctl maker_opts.ctl maker_bopts.ctl
Would anyone know an alternate way to run this code?
Thank you in advance
Look at your sequence to see why you have the letter O. If it looks ok (actually part of the sequence) then replace it by N.
There are quite a few sequences so I don't think it would be possible to visually remove them.. I'm not sure if you know of a very streamlined way to do so
Use a
command in a terminal