Hi I got hundreds of warning "reached iteration limit" when I run
Sproject <- SCTransform(Sproject, vars.to.regress = c("percent.mt", "percent.rps", "percent.rpl", "percent.rrna", "nCount_RNA", "nFeature_RNA"), verbose = FALSE, return.only.var.genes = FALSE)
and the warning not stop until I stop running the code. Does anyone face the same issue? Is there any solution?
What is alternative function to replace SCTransform?
Thank you for help, but the warning not stop and I have to stop the code
You can ignore the warnings. Let the code run and it should eventually finish.
I will try that, Thanks
Not working for me, and I got a message Error: cannot allocate vector of size 18 GB although I am running my code on a remote server and memory.limit() give Inf.
Are you sure your remote server has no memory limit?
I check by memory.limit() and give me Inf