Hi, I'm using annotationPeaks.pl for extracting peaks annotations from some bed file. I assume that Homer defines a peak to be 'promoter-TSS' if the peak center coordinate is in the region [-1000bp, +100bp] (my assumption is probably wrong because it doesn't work like that). I have seen that there are peaks that are set to be 'promoter-TSS' so that the center of the peak is after the TSS and the distance is greater than 100. for example:
PeakID Chr Start End Strand Peak Score Focus Ratio/Region Size Annotation Detailed Annotation Distance to TSS Nearest PromoterID Entrez ID Nearest Unigene Nearest Refseq Nearest Ensembl Gene Name Gene Alias Gene Description Gene Type
21904 chr7 8009075 8009574 + 0 NA promoter-TSS (NR_110018) promoter-TSS (NR_110018) 897 NM_138426 113263 Hs.131673 NM_138426 ENSG00000106415 GLCCI1 FAM117C|GCTR|GIG18|TSSN1 glucocorticoid-induced 1 protein-coding
I'm running the command:
annotatePeaks.pl filename.bed hg19 > filename.annotation.txt
My question is what is Homer's definition for a particular pick to be annotated as 'promoter-TSS'?
thanks a lot, it helped me understand better