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4.5 years ago
I am running RSEM for the first time. In the command for the expression it says as follow
rsem-calculate-expression --phred64-quals \
-p 8 \
--output-genome-bam \
/data/mmliver.fq \
/ref/mouse_125 \
Could anyone tell me what is this mmliver_single_quals
stands for? When I am trying to run the command it terminated without showing any error. I used the following command
./rsem-calculate-expression --phred64-quals -p 8 --gzipped-read-file 293TInput2_S21_L008_R1_001.fastq.gz /ref/human_gencode /NOR.sequences/293T
I shall be very thankful for your response.
I have used the following command but it terminated without running
can anyone tell me what could be the problem?
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