Hello folks, hope I can get some help here. Pretty much a newbie with R. For microbiome analysis I produced this OTU frequency table for my samples (see picture) which allready has taxonomy assigned. Unfortunatley, qiime2 gave me taxonomic classification as 1 single row, individual levels divided by "__"
I want to split these single line rows into seperate columns, one column per taxonomic level, for example:
"D_0__Archaea;D_1__Asgardaeota;D_2__Lokiarchaeia;__;__;__;__" to "Archaea" "Asgardaeota" "Lokiarchaeia" and so on, preferably without having to cut out my samples if possible. How can I do that? Also, How do I export it then to view it in Excel?
A linux solution:
output is
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Thanks! :) I got it now
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