Hello everyone,
Do I understand it correctly that if I want to count reads on a transcript level, and have only the mapped Illumina reads and a .gtf annotation file, I cannot use the Salmon or Kallisto? What could you recommend to use for this purpose?
Thank you!
I believe that you can use
: http://bioinf.wehi.edu.au/featureCounts/I never use it, but from the description says that you need to provide a reference/genome GTF file and the mapped reads in sam/bam format.
I believe this answers your question,
FeatureCounts will assign reads to genes or exons, but I don't think it will assign to transcripts.
Yes, you're right!
This link explains that is not possible to get transcript-level quantification with
: A: How to get read counts on transcript level using featurecounts?Sorry, for the bad answer and thank you for correcting me.