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4.5 years ago
I am working on CNV calling through GATK latest guideline, in order to perform the analysis there's need for a Panel-of-Normals file that can be generated from other samples.
I was wondering if it possible to download these PoN files from some repository etc., I'm interested in both hg19 and hg38
Thank you very much in advance for any help!
I believe you can download 1000GP samples or PCAWG samples to do so (1st one is open, 2nd one require applying for an access).
In general I would pay attention to 2 parameters to match between your tumor samples and normal samples - 1) PCR-based or PCR-free sequencing (old samples tend to be PCR-based), 2) insert distance - different insert-distances create quite dissimilar coverage profiles.
Hi, I would ask on the GATK support forum, and link back here when you do that. Thanks!