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4.4 years ago
Hi , has anyone in the community used bigSCale2 to load 10XGenomic sc-rna data(the matrix.mtx.gz, barcodes.tsv, and features.tsv.gz ) files into the R program bigSCale2. Trying to construct someGRN. I have used Monocle 3 that had a quick load method for loading. Not sure if bigSCale2 has a way to make the sce dataframe. Thanks for any help. steve
thanks so much Jared, really appreciate. steve
hi Jared, making some progress with loading 10X data into bigscale. Used as you suggested DropletUtils and worked ok. Program started but got this error. I have about 35,000 cells in this dataset. Thanks for any help. Maybe a memory problem. steve + > sceB =bigscale(sceA) [1] "PASSAGE 1) Setting the bins for the expression data ...." [1] "Pre-processing) Removing null rows " [1] "Discarding 8230 genes with all zero values" [1] "Setting the size factors ...." [1] "Generating the edges ...." [1] "Subsetting dataset..." [1] "Creating edges..." [1] "95.6 % of elements < 10 counts, therefore Using a UMIs compatible binning" [1] "PASSAGE 2) Storing the Normalized data ...."
Normalizing cells [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 10000/4423680 ( 0%) eta: 35m Normalizing cells [----------------------- cannot allocate a vector of 4.6Gb
That is indeed a memory error. Either run it on a cluster with enough memory or upgrade your workstation. I've never used bigscale, but many data scaling schemes result in dense matrices, which eat up a ton of memory.