I have a fasta file, which consist of thousands of viral genomes. I need to remove poor quality genomes which contain more than 30% NNNNNNN
. Therefore, kindly help me to do the same.
I have a fasta file, which consist of thousands of viral genomes. I need to remove poor quality genomes which contain more than 30% NNNNNNN
. Therefore, kindly help me to do the same.
UCSC browser utils has a binary which does exactly that available here http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/faFilterN
faFilterN - Get rid of sequences with too many N's
usage: faFilterN in.fa out.fa maxPercentN
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You can't assume that those genomes are poor quality. Perhaps that region is just not sequenced. N's are also used to pad/indicate areas that are not sequenced/sequenceable using current technologies.
I agree @genomax, But these sequences are creating problems while alignment, that is why I would like to remove the same. I have good sum of viral genomes, therefore, I would like to keep precise base called genomes rather than the NNNN contains genomes.