Hello Biostars I have been using the following script for differential expression of affymetrix microarray data for several datasets, however I keep getting very high adjusted p values so I believe I am missing out a step. Apologies in advance for the very long post but I think it's important to show all my code.
########## file download and normalisation####################################
untar("GSE112841/GSE112841_RAW.tar", exdir = "GSE112841/CEL")
celfiles <- list.files("GSE112841/CEL", full = TRUE)
rawData <- read.celfiles(celfiles)
normData <- rma(rawData)
###### filtering for poorly expressed probes##################################
data_medians <- rowMedians(exprs(normData))
man_threshold <- 4
no_samples <- table(man_threshold)
samples_cutoff <- min(no_samples)
idx_man_threshold <- apply(Biobase::exprs(normData), 1,
sum(x > man_threshold) >= samples_cutoff})
filtered_normData <- subset(normData, idx_man_threshold)
dim(filtered_normData) # 24154 genes
dim(normData) # 53617 genes
###### gene annotation#######################################################
mart <- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL")
mart <- useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", mart)
Glist <- getBM(attributes = c("affy_hugene_2_0_st_v1",
filters = "affy_hugene_2_0_st_v1",
values =rownames(exprs(filtered_normData)),
mart = mart)
Biomart <- Glist[which(Glist$gene_biotype=="protein_coding"),]
DF <- as.data.frame(exprs(filtered_normData))
DF$Probe_Name <- rownames(DF)
names(DF) <- c("shNDRG1_1", "shNDRG1_2", "shNDRG1_3",
"Control_1", "Control_2", "Control_3",
Biomart <- Biomart[! duplicated(Biomart$external_gene_name),]
Biomart <- Biomart[! duplicated(Biomart$affy_hugene_2_0_st_v1),]
DF <- DF[! duplicated(DF$Probe_Name),]
X <- merge(DF, Biomart, by.x = "Probe_Name", by.y = "affy_hugene_2_0_st_v1")
rownames(X) <- X$external_gene_name
X$Probe_Name <- X$Probe_Name <- X$gene_biotype <- X$external_gene_name <- NULL
########### differential expression##########################################
Z <- rep(c("shNDRG1", "Control"), each = 3)
f = factor(Z,levels=c("shNDRG1","Control"))
design = model.matrix(~ 0 + f)
colnames(design) = c("shNDRG1","Control")
data.fit = lmFit(X, design)
contrast.matrix = makeContrasts(shNDRG1-Control,levels=design)
data.fit.con = contrasts.fit(data.fit,contrast.matrix)
data.fit.eb = eBayes(data.fit.con)
tab = topTable(data.fit.eb, number=Inf,adjust.method="fdr")
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
VLDLR 1.1195324 7.216597 8.877460 4.023989e-05 0.4014946 -2.950292
CCL28 1.4088015 4.193678 8.015200 7.887233e-05 0.4014946 -2.995123
SERHL2 -1.0807675 7.651956 -7.503533 1.210243e-04 0.4014946 -3.027914
CASP14 -1.2332972 4.224030 -7.443782 1.274233e-04 0.4014946 -3.032104
EPHB6 -1.1213133 5.036059 -7.232237 1.533330e-04 0.4014946 -3.047611
SRARP -1.3676657 5.549409 -7.226247 1.541483e-04 0.4014946 -3.048066
NDRG1 -1.1750064 7.820946 -7.224252 1.544210e-04 0.4014946 -3.048217
Any help with sorting out the adjusted p values will be most appreciated. Thanks.
I have added in the results table.
Thanks for adding. It looks like a genuine result - the absolute fold-changes are not even that high. Were you expecting something to be statistically significantly different?
If this is the genuine result based on this small 3 vs 3 comparison, then you'd require a larger cohort in order to find a statistically significantly different effect in this disease / condition of study.
Thank you for your response. I was hoping there would be some DE genes and that the gene knockdown of NDRG1 was successful. But it looks like the difference between the control and knockdown is not significant enough. I was just curious if it was my code or the data, and it seems like the latter was the issue. I will find a larger dataset .
Check that there are not other probes targeting this gene, which could hamper the statistical inferences made for it. For example, when you normalise, you can try other options with
:I have checked and I found only one probe for NDRG1
I see. Your options are limited, it seems. Depending on what you want to do with this data, you could report nominal p-values, but this would be extremely difficult to publish.