Hello, I am writing a script for Blast and Pfam search based on this website.
I first check the module on SLURM, it has "Blast-Plus", I am not sure what package is it? can it be used for Blast search?
based on this command
blastx -query $TRANS_DATA/mouse38_cdna.vol.${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.fasta \
-db $TRINOTATE_HOME/uniprot_sprot.trinotate.pep \
-num_threads 8 -max_target_seqs 1 \
-outfmt 6 > blastx.vol.${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.outfmt6
I am very confused with the input
is this line supposed to be inserting the location that contains SwissProt within "Trinotate"?
And what makes it difference between BlastX
and Blastp
Thank you for your time in advance
Current blast search package from NCBI (from v.2.3, as of today v. 2.10.1) is indeed called