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12.5 years ago
How to get the contig details from FASTQ files?
How to get the contig details from FASTQ files?
the question is not very clear, but I'll just give it a go.
fastq is a file format only for unmapped reads. if you need contig details then you would have to map those reads first. unless you have fastq files with reads coming only from a particular contig, in which case you would be the only one knowing with contig they've been sequenced from, and I guess that would be the information you need.
if your intention is to submit RNAseq data to SRA, there's a SEQanswers' thread that may be of your interest.
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You should provide more detailed info.~~
I have the transcriptome sequence data in FASTQ file. How can I submit the EST to SRA of NCBI?
What kind of information you want to extract?
your post is still not specific enough - has been moved to the FixMe category. Please edit the main post and describe the problem that you are trying to solve.