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4.6 years ago
I tried running BacPipe GUI for WGS analysis using this command
sudo docker run -it --volume /home/abb/Bacpipe-1.2.6:/mahmed/mnt/mydata --env="DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" mahmed/bacpipe python ./Pipeline.py unix
but it gives me following warnings 20
20-08-06 13:38:08,672 appJar:WARNING: Specified dimensions (780x800), less than requested dimensions (1015x850)
2020-08-06 13:38:08,673 appJar:WARNING: Invalid location: 293, -16 - ignoring
Currently I cant run it as full BacPipe GUI window is not being displayed.How can I see the last section of the BacPipe window so that I can run it.