Does anyone know if it's possible to change the position of labels (ie. type="label") in the R package OmicCircos? For some reason the labels are all being pushed to the bottom of the circle with lines (that connect them to their genomic position) running through the circle from the other side where those labels should be. I can run example data and labels map right next to their genomic position, but with my custom gene position (see below) things start to go awry.
Thanks for any help.
Here is an example workflow:
egfrregion<-data.frame(chrom="chr7",chromStart=c(55085793),chromEnd=c(55280322),name="EGFR",gieStain="na") #EGFR gene region
egfr.pos<-data.frame(chr=c(rep("chr7",3)),po=c(55085793,55086793,55087059),NAME=c("5UTR","exon1","intron1")) #first few exon/intron positions, should be located just after 12 o'clock position on circle
par(mar=c(2, 2, 2, 2))
plot(c(1,800), c(1,800), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="");
circos(R=330, cir=db7, type="chr", W=40, scale=TRUE, print.chr.lab=FALSE) #chromosome 7 region
circos(R=340, cir=db7,type="label",W=20,mapping=egfr.pos,cex=0.7,side="out") #gene position annotation
Did you ever come up with a solution for this? I am having the same issue when I try to plot a single chromosome.