I need to store locally a table that contains 3 columns - gene symbol, refseq id, ensembl id. (mouse)
I have been able to retrieve such table for human from this source but I'm unable to find a similiar source for mouse.
Ideally I will have 3 copies of the file when each copy is sorted by a different column.
I have been trying to use queries like the following:
mysql --user=genome -N --host=genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu -A -D mm10 -e "select name,name2 from refGene" > Refseq2Gene.txt
But that's ofc only gets me two of the three columns I need.
Would appriciate a simple solution - like a modification to the current query I'm using.
Exactly what I was looking for, thank you. Do you know perhaps if I can get the tabular file sorted by each column? or I will have to sort it by myself?
As far as I know there is no option to sort it from the server side.
I just realized that the table contains ensembl transcript ids (format: enmust..) and I need the ensembl id (format: ensg...), Do you know how to convert between the two? or directly modify some of the checks in the UCSC table browser?
I find the UCSC tables a bit confusing. An alternate and easier (I think) way would be to use ensembl biomart https://www.ensembl.org/biomart/martview/ . You can select database -> ensembl genes . Dataset -> human/mouse genes. Then clicking attributes (on the left pane) -> External . There are radio boxes for different id types.