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4.6 years ago
how to derive overall survival from geo dataset in R studio, please mention code and packages to install also
how to derive overall survival from geo dataset in R studio, please mention code and packages to install also
Sure, you want a beer with that, too?
Take a look: Survival analysis with gene expression
ibrary(survival) library(RegParallel)
res <- RegParallel( data = coxdata, formula = 'Surv(Time.RFS, Distant.RFS) ~ [*]', FUN = function(formula, data) coxph(formula = formula, data = data, ties = 'breslow', singular.ok = TRUE), FUNtype = 'coxph', variables = colnames(coxdata)[9:ncol(coxdata)], blocksize = 2000, cores = 2, nestedParallel = FALSE, conflevel = 95) res <- res[!is.na(res$P),] res
please explain this part of code (survival analysis in R) for getting hazard ratio...what is formula, data and breslow, please clarify
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Thankyou for providing link...will you please help me in coding of dataset GSE 29272(Gastric cancer) ...i have to get overall analysis report of this particular dataset survival analysis in R
please explain this part of code (survival analysis in R) for getting hazard ratio...what is formula, data and breslow, please clarify
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