Hello, I am doing WGS analysis and I have a question. As you know some genes have multiple transcripts in the genome. E.g. BRCA1 has about 30 transcripts. As I understand one of the transcripts is enough to produce the related protein and transcription of the transcript is highly associated with tissue/cell type. Is there a way to determine or score the transcript importance? If I have a SNP on one of the transcripts, how should I treat this information? WGS data comes from blood samples so I cannot consider the experimental data source.
Thank you in advance.
How was this judgement made? Are there tens of reads supporting that SNP? How is the transcript containing the SNP different than others for this gene (e.g. intron retention, extra exon)?
It was a hypothetical question. I meant if only one transcript of a gene have a SNP, how should I treat it? Is there any "main transcript annotation" of a gene or a scoring system.