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4.4 years ago
Hi everyone recently i analyzed my data using stringtie and ballgown, but in the final step, the column of gene name is empty and the column of geneiD in almost all of rows is showing MSTRG. what does it mean? and how can I find my gene names ??
my result:
geneNames geneIDs feature id
3657 . MSTRG.1 transcript 3657
3662 . MSTRG.1 transcript 3662
3666 . MSTRG.1 transcript 3666
3667 . MSTRG.1 transcript 3667
8020 . MSTRG.2 transcript 8020
8342 . MSTRG.3 transcript 8342
8404 . NR_136328.1 transcript 8404
21445 . MSTRG.4 transcript 21445
21446 . MSTRG.4 transcript 21446
21447 . MSTRG.4 transcript 21447
21448 . MSTRG.4 transcript 21448
See previous threads mentioned in answer here : how to display gene names rather than MSTRG (using ballgown)