Is it possible to view 1000 genomes variants in ucsc hg19 genome browser? If yes, which track should be enabled?
Is it possible to view 1000 genomes variants in ucsc hg19 genome browser? If yes, which track should be enabled?
They are included in the dbSNP track. You should click on the dbSNP 135 Track, and select the Filter "Validation"->"By 1000genomes Project". I am not able to tell whether these SNPs refer to the Pilot 1 or Phase 1, but I suspect it's a merge of the two.
Note that you can also activate the SNPs and variants detected in the trio, by activating the Genome Variants track.
You should also check the Ensembl Browser available at the 1000genomes website: . That may be more interesting for you, because it contains also the frequency of the SNPs and other tracks.
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