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4.3 years ago
I am trying to run GATK CNV germline on some human hg19 WGS samples. I followed the passages reported in their best-practice guidelines. I started with a 300 bp bin_length in PreProcessIntervals. But after all passages if I try to extract values from a single sample with PostprocessGermlineCNVCalls I got the same error for all samples:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Records contain a singleton interval on contig (17). Please run FilterIntervals tool first.
The problem is that I already run FilterIntervals on the same cohort as recommended.
Does anybody ever had a similar problem?
Thank you very much in advance for any help
It looks like singletons should be thrown out by FilterIntervals according to the documentation. Are you using an outdated version of GATK by any chance? There was an issue for a similar error on the github repo for GATK (resolved as of June 2020).
yes that was the problem! Thank you so much @newbio17