I've been trying to obtain SNPs that have a MAF > 5% with the UCSC Table Browser. I tried using a free-form query of:
minorAlleleFreq > 0.05
but the SNP output is the same each time, and does not seem to have been filtered (2nd last row of sample has a MAF < 0.05).
chrom chromStart chromEnd name minorAlleleFreq
Filtering on 0 columns
chr1 10177 10179 rs367896724 0.425319,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,
chr1 10352 10353 rs555500075 0.4375,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,0.00381679,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,
chr1 11007 11008 rs575272151 0.0880591,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,
chr1 11011 11012 rs544419019 0.0880591,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,
chr1 13109 13110 rs540538026 0.0267572,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,
chr1 13115 13116 rs62635286 0.0970447,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,-inf,
Screenshot of Filter section:
Please use the formatting bar (especially the
option) to present your post better. You can use backticks for inline code (`text` becomestext
), or select a chunk of text and use the highlighted button to format it as a code block. I've done it for you this time.Please see How to add images to a Biostars post to add your images properly. You need the direct link to the image, not the link to the webpage that has the image embedded (which is what you have used here)
Thanks for your help!
The table schema shows that
is not a numeric column that can be filtered using the sort of simple free form query that you're using. I'm not sure how to achieve what you want.