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4.5 years ago
I have two different Chipseq datasets files with peak coordinates. and other information like gene name etc. I want check the overlap of coordinates in two files. Is there any online tool that can help me in checking the overlap between two files. Thanks
In my opinion the most clean way to do this is using
bedtools intersect
. This is the most standard and "old school" way, and can be easily integrated into pipelines with only one easy to install dependency (bedtools)Hi, an answer with bedtools intersect already exists. If you have more to add, please add it as a comment to that answer so people going down that path can find all relevant information in the same thread.
If you have gene annotation in gff/gtf format and reference genome fasta with you, then it is very easy to annotate peaks using annotatePeaks.pl, a perl script which is a part of HOMER package.
Command goes like this:
Original question is not about annotating peaks. It is for finding overlap between two sets.