I used the pathview package to generate images for KEGG pathways. The code below creates an image inside the folder.
Transcription <- pathview(gene.data = genelist,
pathway.id = "hsa03020",
species = "hsa",
limit = list(gene=max(abs(genelist)), cpd=1))
But when I am trying to create an html_notebook in R, I want the images to be embedded in the notebook itself, like here: https://yulab-smu.github.io/clusterProfiler-book/chapter12.html#pathview-from-pathview-package. Instead the preview to HTML option is giving me this error:
Transcription <- pathview(gene.data = Rucaparib2,
pathway.id = "hsa03020",
species = "hsa",
limit = list(gene=max(abs(Rucaparib2)), cpd=1))
cannot open URL 'http://rest.kegg.jp/get/hsa03020/kgml': HTTP status was '503 Service Unavailable'
Is there any way of embedding the KEGG pathway as image in my notebook?