Hi all, I recently implemented GATK pipeline on a small set of samples (WES) and did hard filtering as I had only 10 samples and got the GATK to spit out the metrics file. I used the default filtering parameters for the first pass and this is the command:
gatk VariantFiltration \
-V myfam_output_sorted_annotated.snps.vcf \
-filter "QD < 2.0" --filter-name "FILTER_QD2" \
-filter "QUAL < 30.0" --filter-name "FILTER_QUAL30" \
-filter "SOR > 3.0" --filter-name "FILTER_SOR3" \
-filter "FS > 60.0" --filter-name "FILTER_FS60" \
-filter "MQ < 40.0" --filter-name "FILTER_MQ40" \
-filter "MQRankSum < -12.5" --filter-name "FILTER_MQRS-12.5" \
-filter "ReadPosRankSum< -8.0" --filter-name "FILTER_RPRS-8" \
-O myfam_output_sorted_filtered.snps.vcf
after implementing "CollectVariantCallingMetrics" the metrics file gave me these values:
7902 0.811012 0.528926
49556 2.286389 1.522989
My question : 1. Do I need to be concerned with these numbers I got ? These do not fall in the suggested metrics from GATK given below:
Filtering for Indel Ratio
common ~1
rare 0.2-0.5
Sequencing Type # of Variants* TiTv Ratio
WGS ~4.4M 2.0-2.1
WES ~41k 3.0-3.3
Do I need to change the filtering parameter? as it looks like I may have high false positives?
Why is dbsnp TiTv that low? I used dbsnp file from GATK and extracted only the chr of interests and made a subset dbsnp file and used it for CollectVariantCallingMetrics.
above all, do I even need to break my head too much about these numbers? If I can view my variants on IGV in comparison to bam and then also view them in variant viewer with clinvar and dbsnp for those specific regions and I can see validation from those databases on some of these snps would that not be robust enough? My point is how much do we relay on these numbers and to what extent we keep on filtering and polishing these?
Any suggestion helps, Thankyou !
Did you use the right exome kit interval bed file in the different GATK tools ? Did you try to filter with VQSR and recalculate TiTV ?
yes. The interval bed file I got by checking with the vendor tech support. yes I finally used VQSR to filter and recalculate TiTV.