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4.3 years ago
I found datasets of interest to me at LINCS (http://lincsproject.org/LINCS/). I found that the data can be downloaded from GEO (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE70138). However, the GEO contains preprocessed data, and there is no link to download the raw data from the SRA. Was this data loaded into SRA or how else can I get raw data (fastq-files after the sequencer). Thanks!
I do not think this is NGS but some kind of array-based assay so no fastq available.
For some sets, judging by the description, this is really an array of data, but, for example, for the dataset "iPSC (Exp 1) - ALS, SMA and Control (unaffected) subject-derived iPSC lines - RNA-seq", the data description contains information about the sequencing instrument (Illumina), kit sequencing, sequencing strategy and other information.
Therefore, I concluded that the raw data must be somewhere.