I'm attempting to convert a VCF into a M3VCF.
I've been looking at https://genome.sph.umich.edu/wiki/M3VCF_Files and https://genome.sph.umich.edu/wiki/Minimac3 and supposedly minimac3 can convert, but the exact command line syntax is a mystery.
I've tried Minimac3 --refHaps chrX.F.vcf.gz --processReference --prefix tmp
but this says that Missing Value for Individual : ZBAZDCC at Marker : X:167699
but there's nothing that I can do about this, this is a sample failure.
Using minimac4 --refHaps chrX.F.vcf.gz --haps chrX.F.vcf.gz --processReference --prefix tmp --ignoreDuplicates
I get another error:
VCF Format detected ...
The current version of Minimac4 can ONLY handle M3VCF files for imputation
Please convert the VCF file to M3VCF using Minimac3
We will implement this feature in Minimac4 very soon
so the most recent version (minimac4) can't do this at all, I have to use the older minimac3.
How can I convert VCF to M3VCF?