The problem that you got is related with the fact that you need to provide a list of comparisons to be made to the function stat_compare_means()
, and you are providing a character/factor variable. So, if you adjust your code to:
vp_case1 <- function(gene_signature, file_name, test_sign, y_max){
plot_case1 <- function(signature){
VlnPlot(pbmc, features = signature,
pt.size = 0.1,
group.by = "Response",
y.max = y_max, # add the y-axis maximum value - otherwise p-value hidden
) + stat_compare_means(comparisons = test_sign, label = "p.signif")
map(gene_signature, plot_case1) %>% cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = .)
file_name <- paste0(file_name, "_r.png")
ggsave(file_name, width = 14, height = 8)
In this adjusted code I added 2 extra parameters:
: that is a list of a vector of characters. So, in your case you have a Response
variable that should assume 2 or more levels. Let's say that your Response
variable can be CTRL
or TRT
(control or treatment). Thus test_sign = list(c("CTRL", "TRT"))
: by default the function VlnPLot
will adjust the y-axis to the maximum expression value per comparison made. What this means is that if you're comparing the gene A between CTRL and TRT and the max. value is 7, the maximum y-axis scale will be 7. When you apply the stat_compare_means()
function, the p-value will be added above, but since the maximum y-axis value is 7, you'll not see it. Therefore, you can adjust the y_max
to one more unit, let's say 8, and therefore you'll be available to see the p-value. Though as you can think this is not the best option since often you'll have distinct y maximum values, and therefore setting the same y_max
will not be the best option. In that case what you can do is just a loop instead a map()
giving a y_max
a numeric vector. Let me know if you have problems regarding this issue.
Here is an example:
## Follow the Seurat tutorial until UMAP at: https://satijalab.org/seurat/v3.2/pbmc3k_tutorial.html
## create fake 'Reponse' variable
pbmc@meta.data$Response <- rep(c("CTRL", "TRT"), times = c(1500, 2638-1500))
vp_case1 <- function(gene_signature, file_name, test_sign, y_max){
plot_case1 <- function(signature){
VlnPlot(pbmc, features = signature,
pt.size = 0.1,
group.by = "Response",
y.max = y_max, # add the y-axis maximum value - otherwise p-value hidden
) + stat_compare_means(comparisons = test_sign, label = "p.signif")
purrr::map(gene_signature, plot_case1) %>% cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = .)
file_name <- paste0(file_name, "_r.png")
ggsave(file_name, width = 14, height = 8)
gene_sig <- c("NKG7", "PF4")
comparisons <- list(c("CTRL", "TRT"))
vp_case1(gene_signature = gene_sig, file_name = "Desktop/gene_sig", test_sign = comparisons, y_max = 7)
![enter image description here](https://i.ibb.co/GvLFPs8/gene-sig-r.png)
I hope this answers your question,
Have you checked if
can work together like that?Hi igor,
Please correct me if I am wrong but it says VlnPlot returns "a patchworked ggplot object if combine = TRUE; otherwise, a list of ggplot objects" while stat_compare_mean can be used to "add mean comparison p-values to a ggplot" so I thought it should work.