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4.6 years ago
Hi I'm having a problem with running deeptools on an iMac. It's a MacOS 10.15.6 and I've installed anaconda and deeptools; which all seems to be there. From other help suggestions I have
campbell.1933@campbell-iMac BW % conda list |grep python
ipython 7.16.1 py38h5ca1d4c_0
ipython_genutils 0.2.0 py38_0
msgpack-python 1.0.0 py38h04f5b5a_1
python 3.8.3 h26836e1_2
python-dateutil 2.8.1 py_0
python-jsonrpc-server 0.3.4 py_1
python-language-server 0.34.1 py38_0
python-libarchive-c 2.9 py_0
python.app 2 py38_10
also deeptools seems to be there, as at the prompt it shows the list of all the tools available. But whatever command I try to run I get
(base) campbell.1933@campbell-iMac BW % computeMatrix -S DCIS.AIB1.1.bw -R clusters.MCFDCIS.AIB1.Input.bed -b 1000 -o matrix
zsh: segmentation fault computeMatrix -S DCIS.AIB1.1.bw -R clusters.MCFDCIS.AIB1.Input.bed -b 1000 -o
Any suggestions very gratefully received! thanks Moray
Some dependency must be installed incorrectly or have an issue. Try making a new conda environment and see if that fixes the issue.
reinstall anaconda?
reinstalled python version and used brew and pyenv to make 3.8.5 default and then installed anaconda3. Different errors that seem much more specific! Any thoughts? Please
For some reason the python 3.8 library couldn't be found. It's obviously somewhere on your system, but I wonder if there's some obscure environment variable that's set that's messing up the linker on your system.