I am processing single-cell RNA sequencing data from the Drop-Seq platform, hoping to obtain an expression matrix. Find a process on github: https://github.com/aselewa/dropseqRunner.
In the Run the pipeline step, I followed the instructions, but an error occurred, as shown in the attached picture.
Specifically like this: Running snakemake directly on this node. This may not finish because alignment requires >30GB of RAM. {'SRR6075354', 'SRR6075354_0'} Building DAG of jobs... MissingInputException in line 113 of /home/liyx/app/dropseqRunner/droprunner/Snakefile_drop.smk: Missing input files for rule make_report: /home/liyx/data/lizard/output/qc_data/SRR6075354_0_RNAmetrics.picard.txt
See the picture link for the error report: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/69193460/91813153-cbe6b280-ec64-11ea-8947-a1c297147acc.jpg
I did not find the way to generate file {sample}_RNAmetrics.picard.txt in all the scripts given. And I don't know how to solve this error.