Hi, Enthusiastic people I have my data successfully local realigned, BQSR, and then UG processing. But I find that, in VCF file, the DP value is very large, several hundred, which actually each of my data only is 10x-20x average. The data consist of 50 bams. Is the dp value calculated from 50*(10-20)?
And the UG walker tells me I need about 5 days to complete the process. 150GB size of 50 bams totally, is the time almost right?
Some warnings come out that : WARN 16:49:00,627 ExactAFCalculationModel - this tool is currently set to genotype at most 3 alternate alleles in a given context, but the context at chr1:38228257 has 16 alternate alleles so only the top alleles will be used; see the --max_alternate_alleles argument. Is this matter?
The command I use for UG: java -jar -Djava.io.tmpdir=/data1/tmp /path/GenomeAnalysisTK-1.6-7-g2be5704/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -R /path/ucsc.hg19.fasta -I /path/bam.list -T UnifiedGenotyper -D /data1/gatk/dbsnp_135.hg19.vcf -o SRR_50bam.raw.vcf -glm BOTH
a sample SNP in result: chrM 152 rs117135796 T C 3176.34 . AC=27;AF=0.307;AN=88;BaseQRankSum=-3.503;DB;DP=530;Dels=0.01;FS=3.082;HRun=1;HaplotypeScore=5.2820;InbreedingCoeff=0.6907;MQ=35.09;MQ0=13;MQRankSum=-8.934;QD=16.90;ReadPosRankSum=1.860;SB=-1671.05 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL 1/1:0,14:14:42.04:395,42,0 ./. 0/0:5,0:6:12.02:0,12,121 0/0:9,0:9:18.02:0,18,176 0/0:14,0:14:42.06:0,42,428 1/1:0,7:7:21.03:202,21,0 0/0:8,0:9:21.04:0,21,209 0/1:1,3:4:22.54:44,0,23 0/0:6,0:6:18.04:0,18,182 0/0:14,1:15:23.98:0,24,209 0/0:14,1:15:23.98:0,24,209 0/0:13,0:13:36.06:0,36,358 1/1:0,20:20:48.06:454,48,0 0/0:8,0:8:12.03:0,12,132 0/0:21,0:21:57.11:0,57,582 1/1:0,10:10:24.02:223,24,0 1/1:0,20:20:57.06:542,57,0 0/0:26,2:30:56.99:0,57,523 0/0:15,1:17:33.06:0,33,337 0/0:19,0:19:45.11:0,45,479 0/0:8,0:8:24.06:0,24,253 0/0:7,0:7:21.01:0,21,194 0/0:21,0:21:51.07:0,51,490 1/1:0,13:13:32.96:284,33,0 1/1:0,9:9:17.99:153,18,0 0/0:19,0:19:51.07:0,51,505 0/1:4,13:17:75.62:181,0,76 0/0:20,0:20:48.05:0,48,457 0/0:12,0:12:18.01:0,18,166 1/1:0,13:15:26.99:240,27,0 0/0:12,0:12:30.01:0,30,280 1/1:0,14:14:39.05:384,39,0 1/1:0,20:20:9.01:85,9,0 0/0:3,0:3:9.02:0,9,94 0/0:16,0:16:45.06:0,45,441 0/0:26,0:26:69.06:0,69,663 0/1:6,7:13:99:134,0,118 1/1:0,3:3:3.01:31,3,0 0/0:3,0:4:3:0,3,29
I have search this forum for my question, but still confused, Sorry for my unprofessional question and appreciate for your help. Thanks
Thanks for your timely reply. I have understood more about the question. And your recommendation about -nt option helps me a lot!