I have plotted LEfSe results using the command line, by running LEfSe's Python script over my data.
I was wondering if anyone familiar with LEfSe (or Python) would be able to tell me how to edit the plot_res.py python script to make the x axis breaks on integers, instead of on strange decimal numbers like shown here:
I am familiar with making figures on R, but I have never used python for plotting before. I think the python script is using matplotlib to plot the data and the Python version is 2.7.15.
The Python scripts which I needed to call on the command line were downloaded from the nsegata-lefse-9adc3a62460e folder at https://bitbucket.org/nsegata/lefse/downloads/ . I will post the Python script as a comment, as this repository seems not to be working at the moment.
LEfSe = Linear discriminant analysis effect size. More information about LEfSe can be found here: https://twbattaglia.gitbooks.io/introduction-to-qiime/content/lefse.html
Did you try
with the-l
option with a higher cutoff value than 2?Yes I'm using
-l 4