I'm trying to download a single cell RNASeq dataset from GEO to run my analysis on them. I need the 3 fastq files to begin with (R1, R2 and I1).
prefetch SRR9313701
I used sra toolkit and got the .sra file using the prefetch command and then I ran fastq-dump to split them.
fastq-dump --split-files SRR9313701.sra
I got 3 files - SRR9313701_1.fastq, SRR9313701_2.fastq and SRR9313701_3.fastq. Now should i assume SRR9313701_1.fastq is R1, SRR9313701_2.fastq is R2 and SRR9313701_3.fastq is I1 ? If not, how do I get them in the original format with the original names ?
Is there a better way to get raw fastq files of single cell data from GEO ?