Hi, I wanted to align several genomes, and I used the cat command to form a fasta file containing all DNA sequences of several organisms. Then I tried to use Muscle to perform the alignment in the terminal by typing in:
$muscle -in input.fasta -fastaout output.afa
However, the program ended itself and reported:
try 3999 seqs, lengths min 501, max 9616375, avg 82643
00:51:46 1945 MB(-194%) Iter 1 100.00% K-mer dist pass 1
00:51:46 1945 MB(-194%) Iter 1 100.00% K-mer dist pass 2
Killed29 8544 MB(-851%) Iter 1 2.40% Align node
Could someone please help me interpreting this error message? Thanks in advance!
What kind of "genomes" are these? Considering min and max values of size that seems like a rather wide range for these to be comparable using a multiple sequence alignment.