Hello hive brain,
I am trying to make a workflow in snakemake to process some MinION reads. they are cDNA amplicons of different genotypes of the same virus that were multiplex together. To make sure that I am only using the barcodes I want to be using I am pre-processing the reads with porechop to strictly get reads with both barcode adaptors and then moving forward. However since porechop relabels the reads as BC01, BC02, etc.. I have added a "barcodes section to the config.yaml
file but I am having trouble getting pas t this error.
MissingInputException in line 17 of /home/sean/Desktop/reo/antisera project/20200813/MinIONAmplicon.smk:
Missing input files for rule minimap2:
I know what is is telling me however the rule in my workflow right before is make that directory so I'am not sure why it is not trying to run all the jobs.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Here is my SnakeFile
configfile: "config.yaml"
rule all:
expand("{sample}.bam", sample = config["samples"])
rule porechop_strict:
lambda wildcards: config["samples"][wildcards.sample]
"porechop -i {input} -b {output} --barcode_threshold 85 --threads 8 --require_two_barcodes"
rule minimap2:
lambda wildcards: "{sample}_strict/" + config["barcodes"][wildcards.sample]
"minimap2 -ax map-ont -t8 ../concensus.fasta {input} | samtools sort -o {output}"
and my config file
samples: {
'8413_19': relabeled_reads/8413_19.raw.fastq.gz,
'8417_19': relabeled_reads/8417_19.raw.fastq.gz,
'8445_19': relabeled_reads/8445_19.raw.fastq.gz,
'8466_19_104': relabeled_reads/8466_19_104.raw.fastq.gz,
'8466_19_105': relabeled_reads/8466_19_105.raw.fastq.gz,
'8467_20': relabeled_reads/8467_20.raw.fastq.gz,
barcodes: {
'8413_19': BC01.fastq.gz,
'8417_19': BC02.fastq.gz,
'8445_19': BC03.fastq.gz,
'8466_19_104': BC04.fastq.gz,
'8466_19_105': BC05.fastq.gz,
'8467_20': BC06.fastq.gz,