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4.4 years ago
Hi friends I have HTSeq data that is Log2 (X+1), I revert them to original data in excel this way: X^2=y and then the y-1=original values. Is this correct? In the resulted values I have negative values that DESeq2 cannot deal with them. what should I do with negative values if my revert approach is correct?
do not transform you data for DESeq2, it expects raw count data
yes I know that for DESeq2 I need raw data. that is the reason I revert the log2+1 . because HTSeq data are log2+1 data not original reads. now I dont know how to deal with negative values resulted there
Please load the matrix into R and then do the un-logging. Excel might mess up things here. It is not recommended to use Excel, not reproducible and might introduce artifacts. In R:
Hi thanks I am new to R. Can you please explain more? By matrix you mean my data file? How should I do this exactly?
You may want to go through a basic R tutorial. If you plan on using DESeq2, you'll need to know some basics like what the different data types are and how to read/write files.