Hello dear Biostars community I was trying to align my sequence with hg-19 genome reference using HISAT2. My system is dual boot with windows 10 and Ubuntu. so, when i want to give my file address i get the following error:
./hisat2 -q -t -p 8 --add-chrname -x /media/yousef/EEFC0BDBFC0B9CC9/2.Medical labratory scineces/Genetice/bioanformatics/NGS/hg19_genome/genome /home/yousef/ncbi/public/sra/SRR6040558_Trimmed.fastq -s /home/yousef/ncbi/public/trimmed.sam
(ERR): "/media/yousef/EEFC0BDBFC0B9CC9/2.Medical" does not exist
Exiting now ...
And my file location is:
/media/yousef/EEFC0BDBFC0B9CC9/2.Medical labratory scineces/Genetice/bioanformatics/NGS/hg19_genome/genome
I also need to address that i have no folder named "EEFC0BDBFC0B9CC9" in my drive. Also,The trimmed FASTQ file that i'm trying to use is not in the same drive that my Ubuntu is installed. How can i solve this problem?
Thanks a lot. It solved my problem.