I want to plot heatmap with the DESeq2 result. the heatmap will be for differentially expressed genes with FDR<0.05. but the data coming from DESeq2 includes NA which create problem when sub setting them for heatmap.
how can I deal with these NAs? this is the code:
## Differential abundance
alpha <- 0.05 #set the cutoff value
## subset only significant genes
sig <- res[res$padj < alpha, ]
sig_genes <- rownames(sig)
subset <- rdata[sig_genes,]
## log transform data for visualization
tdata <- log2(subset + 0.5)
mat <- as(tdata, "matrix")
## Set colours
my_colour = list(
Group = c("0" = "blue", "1" = "yellow"))
pheatmap(symbreaks = FALSE,cluster_cols = FALSE,
cluster_rows = TRUE,color = colorRampPalette(c("#f71616","#f71616","white",
"#1919d4", "#1919d4"))(100),annotation_col = sample_org,
annotation_colors = my_colour, mat, scale = "row")
Error is created here :
sig <- res[res$padj < alpha, ]
Error: logical subscript contains NAs
Have you tried dropping the rows with NAs as p-values with
before applying the filter?Hi newbio17 Thanks I tried
this doesnot work my code was like then I get error again:
error message is: in this line Im get error: