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4.4 years ago
Hi! What to do with the hypothetical protein in Prokka? Some program to improve this metric? Thank you!
Hi! What to do with the hypothetical protein in Prokka? Some program to improve this metric? Thank you!
The exact number varies between genomes, but it is normal to have 1/4 to 1/3 of proteins annotated as hypothetical, uncharacterized or containing domains of unknown function. In fact, if you installed Prokka such that it uses Pfam, TIGRFams and COG/KOG databases, chances are that those ambiguous annotations will remain even after you try the databases suggested by other posters.
It is just how it is - for many proteins we still have no clues about their functions.
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You can use blastp to find similar proteins. Search for the conserved motifs in the protein using (cdd/pfam). Use GO information, pathways,..... depending on what you're looking for.
You can use eggnog-mapper http://eggnog-mapper.embl.de/ to assign each protein an EggNOG orthology group, it's not being used with prokka.