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5.7 years ago
I have been trying to use the Mutect2 of GATK toolkit, and noticed an example usage:
java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T MuTect2 \
-R reference.fasta \
-I:tumor tumor.bam \
-I:normal normal.bam \
[--dbsnp dbSNP.vcf] \
[--cosmic COSMIC.vcf] \
[-L targets.interval_list] \
-o output.vcf
Here, I am assuming that the reference.fasta is the genome sequence in fasta format, and tumor.bam is the file containing details about the mapped reads. I am not sure what is normal.bam. Is it the bam file containing details of the mapped reads of a reference transcriptome with the reference genome?
Since I do not have the data for any normal tissue from the same human, is there a way to skip this step?
Maybe you should try germline pipeline which use HaplotypeCaller instead of
.Mutect2 now supports tumor only mode in addition to the tumor/normal paired mode. It is also possible to have multiple tumor samples from each individual.